What is Irregular Migration? Irregular migration is the type of migration that causes states to experience intense problems, especially in international migration. Entering a country illegally, staying in a country illegally, or entering a country legally and not leaving the country within the legal period constitute the elements of irregular migration.
Irregular immigration status, the country of citizenship of persons who have changed their country illegally or stayed in other countries under illegal conditions (source country), the country or countries from which they crossed to reach the country they want to go to (transit country) and the country where the persons entered to stay (destination country) is a situation that needs to be evaluated separately.
- irregular migration; For target countries, it covers people who come to their country illegally or who come legally and do not leave within the legal exit deadlines.
- Persons who cross the country borders by not following the necessary procedures while leaving their country for the source country are included in the scope of irregular migration.
- For transit countries; Persons who enter the country from source countries through legal or illegal means to reach the destination country, use this country as a transit country and leave the country’s border are expressed with the concept of irregular migration.
Turkey’s Struggle Against Irregular Migration
What is Irregular Migration? Turkey; It is used as a transit route by irregular migrants, as it is at the intersection of the Asian, European and African Continents, and is a bridge between politically and economically underdeveloped states and rich Western countries. In addition, the fact that our country is a rising power in its region has made Turkey a target country for third-country citizens by removing it from the transit country position. The freedom of communication and travel brought about by globalization has led to an increase in migration mobility all over the world, and Turkey has been deeply affected by this globalization process.
These reasons have led Turkey to develop strategies to combat irregular migration, to make legal reforms and to develop international cooperation.
Ways to Combat Irregular Migration
- Arranging necessary legal reforms by meeting the source, transit and destination countries on a common ground,
- Ensuring coordination with all units of the state, directly or indirectly, and with all national and international organizations in this field,
- Taking all measures to increase border security,
- Making necessary arrangements in the work area and minimizing illegal employment
- Accelerating the process of obtaining status of immigrants,
- Strengthening measures to combat organized crime, such as migrant smuggling,
- Identification of strong sanctions against those transporting irregular migrants,
- It can be listed as researching the reasons for migration of the source countries and developing projects to eliminate these reasons.
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